6 Ways to Experience More Music with Your Family This Christmas (PLUS Free Printable Carol Games!)
Growing up we had to play one or two carols on your musical instrument before opening presents. We would also be required to sing a handful of Christmas carols, read the Christmas story and pray together before a single gift was unwrapped.
Was your family anything like mine?
While it felt like SUCH a long time as a child, looking back on the memories of that time is sweet. Music was woven throughout everything we did at Christmastime.
If you are wanting to add more music to your Christmas celebrations this year, I have some simple ideas for you! And none of these take miraculous or incredible talent; just a little preparation ahead of time!
1. Sing the “12 Days Of Christmas” with props and costumes! This could be such a fun and comical presentation that will have your whole family in stitches. Imagine including grandpa as the token partridge in a pear tree, uncles as the ten lords a leaping, and cousins for both the maids a milking and the twelve drummers drumming. We've been known to use our trusty old chickens for the three French hens ;)
2) Learn “Jingle Bells” on these fabulous bells, perfect for small hands and beginner musicians. Every note is colour coded so there is no need to know anything about notes or music to ring in the Christmas season! A booklet of songs is also included.
3) Learn “Away in A Manger” as a family with actions or sign language!
4) We had a hoot one year with this set of Christmas crackers! Each cracker contains a whistle and a number. One person serves as the "conductor" and has to conduct a song by indicating the correct number to whistle at the right time! It’s fun for all ages and you can find it here on Amazon.
5) Print off “Name That Tune” Christmas Carol edition and watch your family put their heads together to figure out what tune goes with what phrase!
6) If you're looking to add a little music education to the mix, purchase our Tchaikovsky individual lesson to learn more about the composer's famous piece The Nutcracker. This lesson also includes a visual guide and video tutorial for how to dance the Trepak!
Beyond the festive lesson plans and the hustle and bustle that December brings, this Christmas season is all about celebrating the birth of our Saviour, Jesus. These little additions to your celebrations are meant to add and never to take away from the main focus.
May you feel peace and joy in your home and hearts knowing that God is with us. Emmanuel!