A Fight Worth Fighting
If you’ve been in the faith one day or 100 years, you’ve likely experienced a spiritual battle. We know that Satan prowls, doing his evil work. The battle is between good and evil, between fleshly and heavenly desires and just a plain old battle that’s been waging between God and Satan for a loooong time. Waging war for our allegiance. These battles become more and more evident to me as I grow and learn to recognize them as just that.
Every day, I have a choice to make when met head on with the one rearing his ugly head. “Who am I when life gets hard and when circumstances don’t go my way?”
Who am I when I have to pickup toys for the 100th time?
Who am I when a friend betrays me?
Who am I when I end up in a pandemic and have to choose a side?
Who am I when my kids are constantly fighting?
Who am I when there are differences in my marriage?
Who am I when gossip enters the conversation?
Who am I when I’ve pulled most of the weight?
Who am I when my child is mistreated by a friend or given a less than deserved mark?
Or better yet, who am I in those dark shadows when no one sees me?

Thankfully, there is only ONE who I can turn to for the answer. Someone who knows my innermost thoughts before they are even whispered.
HE speaks:
- I am Redeemed by the blood of the lamb (Ephesians 1:7)
- Precious in his sight (Isaiah 43:4)
- A citizen of heaven ( 2 Tim. 1:7)
- A child of God (John 1:12)
- Chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16)
- No longer a slave to sin (Rom. 6:6)
- Called out of darkness into His wonderful light (1 Peter 2:9)
- God’s handiwork created to do good work (Eph 2:10)
This is an abundant life, so why do I keep forgetting who I am in Christ when sea billows roll? It’s usually because my allegiance has slipped elsewhere.
Do you replace the evil lies in your mind with what is TRUE? Do you ask for HIS words to flow out of your mouth instead of your own? Do you choose not to react instead of reacting badly?
Speaking the WORD every day over our life is a necessity of the Christian faith. There is a battle fighting for our lives everyday. Thankfully, we’ve been given the Sword of the Spirit to help us fight.
Fight with me, sister.