Online Instrument Lessons
While in-person lessons are always the better choice, I realize that not everyone has the time, finances or ability to commit to them. Here I will post links to websites that have a reputation of having outstanding musical quality and are affordable. I will continue to add to this growing list as I do my own research.
Piano Lessons
This site is a great resource for free piano lessons for piano players who are just getting started, or have been playing for a while and are stuck. The videos will help you get started with the basics and also give you some inspirational ideas!
Drum Lessons
Drumeo offers an exclusive curriculum featuring the best teachers in the world.
Guitar Lessons
Unlike many other guitar programs that intentionally skip important steps to give you the illusion that you’re making progress, Acoustic Guitar Made Easy helps you build a complete guitar foundation free from any holes or gaps so you can go on to play ANY style of music.