Piano lessons would be an awesome start for your child!

The piano is the MOST popular instrument to learn music on for a child. A few of the benefits for learning the piano include strengthening hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Because children use both hands with the piano it requires a complex neural framework where the brain simultaneously processes signals from the hands and the eyes.

Nowadays, there are so many options through which a child can learn the piano!



While it can be on the pricier end, private piano lessons are always the best. The one-on-one (or group lesson) instruction a child receives will take them very far. As well, the accountability that a weekly lesson offers keeps your child on track and practicing daily, knowing they see their teacher at the end of the week. In order to find a suitable teacher, ask other moms for their reviews or contact your local community music school to find teachers and available lesson times.

If your child is 5 years or under, consider starting with 15 minute lessons. Most teachers would consider this as an option seeing as your child is still quite young. Usually halfway through the year they are ready to move to a full 30 minute lesson.


If weekly lessons are not an option (perhaps you are in a rural area or on a tight budget):

Pianote or Simply Piano are subscription based programs that can be done with live teachers online.



Hey! I’m Sonja Hindmarsh. I am passionate about my faith, family and serving the world through music!

Whether it means performing or mentoring children in their musical abilities, music has been important to me all of my life.

As a professional musician, I have been blessed with opportunities to perform in countries around the world including Germany, Romania, and throughout the United States and Canada. Being able to use music as a ministry, both in mission settings and local church settings, is a dream come true.

I direct a private music studio of violin students, freelance as a professional violinist and am the conductor of The Pacific Mennonite Children's Choir in Abbotsford, Canada. Oh, and I run a music curriculum business on the side 😎

I am so lucky to be able to inspire children to love music themselves, whether that means performing, enjoying, or listening.


Looking for some quick wins to jumpstart your family's journey with music?

1. Check out my FREE resources. I love giving families hands on curriculum to get them started, so head on over to my free library and download as many resources as you'd like!

Free Resource Library


2. Join me in my “Music Support” Facebook group! We’re a supportive community of people at all stages in our musical journey where we support, give help and ideas if needed.

Music Support Group


3. Read one of my popular blogposts! This post about "How Much Technology Should We Use In Music" and "6 Free Music Sites For Children" is the perfect place to start!
